Destruction Junket


Destruction Junket is a leaderless art collective that regularly to engage in critique, workshops and meditation. The format of this meeting is:

Topics can range dramatically as long as the speaker is open to criticism and discussion on their topic. Any hateful or bigoted rhetoric will result in a barring of the commenter.

The purpose of the meetings is to enrich the reality of the leader and participants through thorough scrutiny and meditation on new ideas. Any are welcome to attend this meeting so long as they consider themselves open and receptive to new forms of art and art and thinking. An axiom of the group is that knowledge and beauty can be found in anything - by engaging with this we move closer to the universe as a whole.

On a quadrennial basis the group will show work in public capacity, all funds raised for these exhibitions will be collected from the group and used in accordance with their decisions. Destruction Junket also brings programming and workshops to the larger public with the belief that service toward others enriches the universe as a whole.

Destruction Junket has no ultimate authority, service members should be elected by an active group. Service should be rotated regularly as a means of allowing group members to serve the community and each other. To facilitate this organizational meetings are held on a monthly basis where we discuss future events, allocation of funds, and outreach events.

*** Vote on length of meditation ***

We start this meeting with a ______ minute meditation. Destruction Junket does not promote any form of meditation over another. We have no opinions on religious or spiritual practices. If there is anyone here without experience in meditation, we encourage you to sit or lie in a comfortable position for 10 minutes to the best of your ability. If a thought comes, accept it and allow it to pass. A light bell will indicate the end of the meditation.

After meditation

Welcome back, give yourself a moment to allow your senses to come back to the room.

Today's speaker is _________________. They will share for 30 minutes followed by a secretary’s break and Open Sharing. Please Welcome _________________.

Snack Break

Destruction Junket passes a jar around to collect money for snacks, and future ventures like shows and workshops and such. If you can give a dollar or two please do. We will now go to a back and forth discussion for the next 45 minutes where the creator will choose hands for questions and comments. New media may be shared by the speaker at this point.